Class 8 English It So Happened The selfish giant

Class 8 English It So Happened The selfish giant

Ql. Describe in brief the Giant’s garden.
Ans. The Giant’s garden was very beautiful. It had soft green grass. Here and there over the grass stood beautiful flowers like stars and there were twelve peach trees that in the spring time broke out into delicate blossoms of pink and pearl, and in autumn bore rich fruit.
Q2. Where had the Giant gone? What did he see when he arrived?
Ans. The Giant had gone to his friend, the Cornish Ogre and had stayed with him for seven years. When he arrived he saw the children playing in the garden.
Q3. Why did he build a high wall round his garden?
Ans. He didn’t want children to play in his garden. Therefore, he built a high wall round it in order to stop them from entering it.
Q4. What happened to the Giant’s garden when the spring came?
Ans. All over the country there were little blossoms and little words. But the Giant’s garden remained deprived of them. There was still winter there instead of the spring. The birds didn’t care to sing in it, as there were no children and the trees forgot to blossom.
Q5. What changes came to be noticed in the Giant’s behaviour?
Ans. Previously he was a selfish Giant. He didn’t like children and their playing in his garden. But one day he realised his fault and became affectionate towards them. He opened his garden for them. He began to play with them.
Ql. Who did the Giant love most? Why?
Ans. The Giant loved the little boy most because he had kissed him. He felt helpless and began to cry. The Giant saw him. His heart melted all of a sudden. He came to the little boy and put him into the tree. The tree broke at once into blossom and the birds came and sang on it. The little boy became happy. He stretched out his two arms and flung them round the Giant’s neck, and kissed him. The Giant’s joy knew no bounds. He (the Giant) made the little boy his friend.
Q2. What evidence do you find in the story about the Giant’s selfishness and wicked nature? Did he stick to this? How do you know?
Ans. The Giant was self centred and wicked. He wanted his garden only for his own use. He forbade the entry of children there. He put up a notice board that who soever entered the garden without his permission would be punished. He also got a high wall constructed all around it. Children were horrified to see this. They flew away from the garden. It shows the giant’s selfishness and wicked nature. But he didn’t stick to this. He became soft towards the children. He broke the wall that he had constructed around his garden and allowed the children to play there. He regarded the children as the most beautiful flowers of all.

Courtesy : CBSE