Class 8 English Honeydew The Tsunami

Class 8 English Honeydew The Tsunami

Ql. What is a Tsunami? When did it hit so many countries and sea coasts?
Ans. A tsunami is a very large and powerful wave. It is caused by earthquakes under the sea. The deadly tsunami hit Thailand, India and the Andaman Islands on 26 December, 2004.
Q2. Do animals get foreknowledge of the tsunami coming?
Ans. Yes, it is true that animals sense the coming disaster earlier than human beings. It became evident in 2004. The tsunami killed more than 1,50,000 people in a dozen countries. But veiy few animals were reported dead. Buffaloes, goats and dogs remained unharmed. So did elephants and leopards. They ran away to higher places to save their lives.
Q3. Who was Ignesious? Why did he put his television down on the ground from table?
Ans. Ignesious was the manager of a cooperative society in Katchall. When his wife told him about an earthquake, he immediately took his television set off its table and put it down on the ground so that it would not fall and break.
Q4. How did Sanjeev lose his life?
Ans. When Sanjeev heard cries for help from the wife of John, the guest house cook, he immediately jumped into the water to rescue her. But unfortunately they were both swept away by the powerful waves.
Q5. What is the view of some experts about the animals?
Ans. Some experts believe that animals more acute hearing helps them to hear or feel the earth’s vibration. They can sense an approaching disaster long before humans realise what’s going on.            ,
Q6. How did Tilly Smith save her family from the deadly waves?
Ans. Tilly Smith with her family was celebrating Christmas at a beach in Thailand. She was only 10 years old. She noted the sea water flowing towards, the beach. She was reminded of a geography lesson and the video of Hawaiian islands in 1946. She started shouting to her parents to clear off the beach. Her parents heeded her. They all took shelter in the third floor of the hotel and were saved.
Ql. Give a brief account of how the animate saved themselves when the giant waves hit India and Sri Lanka.
Ans. Before the great waves moved towards the coast in India and Sri Lanka, the wild and domestic animals foresaw the danger. Elephants ran for higher ground. Dogs refused to go outdoors. Zoo animals rushed into their shelters. This was perhaps the animals possess a sixth sense, which is very sharp and work as warning during disasters. So not many animals lost their lives in 2004 Tsunami while thousands people were washed away.
Q2. What happened to Almas and her family?
Ans. When the tremors came early in the morning, Almas and her family were sleep­ing. Suddenly Almas’s father saw the sea water recede. He understood that the water would come rushing back with great force. He woke everyone up and tried to rush them to a safer place. As they ran, her grandfather was hit on the head by something and fell down. Her father rushed to help him. But soon a giant wave came and swept both of them away. Her mother and ants too were washed away by the mighty waves. Almas was somehow saved. But she became the victim of trauma.

Courtesy : CBSE