Class 7 English Honeycomb Trees (Poem)

Class 7 English Honeycomb Trees (Poem)

Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1:Who have tea parties under the trees?
The adults enjoy having tea parties under the shade of the trees.
Question 2:To what use a mother puts the trees?
Solution:According to the poem, mothers love to capture the beauty of the trees on their Canvas.
Question 3:What happens when the winds blow?
When the winds blow through the trees, the leaves and branches move to and fro giving Cool breeze.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1:
Why do the fathers find trees useful?
During the fall, gathering the scattered leaves from the ground, a lot of profit could be reaped. These leaves could be used as fuel or turned into manure and fertilisers. The fathers find this profitable as this aids their business.
Question 2:Why the chopped down trees are called timber?
The trees are chopped down so that their wood could be put to use. The logs and wood, timber, is used for carpentry and to make furniture. Even when the tree is chopped down, it is useful and profitable.
Question 3:
From the reading of the poem, evaluate the benefits of trees.
The trees have various benefits. They Cater to the needs of all forms of life. Birds derive food and shelter from the trees and So do some of the animals. Birds use trees to build their nests. For human beings, too, trees are a major source of sustenance.
They get fruits, shade, timber, medicines and various other Such elements from the trees. Children love to play around the trees. For those, who have leisurely time, trees provide relief and also work as subjects that could be painted.
Extract Based Questions
Extract 1
Directions (Q. Nos. 1-6) Read the extract given below and answer the following questions.
Trees are for birds.
Trees are for children.
Trees are to make tree houses in.
Trees are to swing swings on.
Question 1:
Have you seen animals or birds making houses in trees?
Yes, I have seen many animals making their houses, nests in trees. Female monkeys joyously sit on the branches, pluck peas, beans etc take out the nuts and feed their young ones. They feel a great content in doing so.
Question 2:
Give two example of trees that have a number of uses in everybody’s life.
The two uses of trees are
(i) Sandalwood tree gives sandal that is Considered, Sacred in rituals, worships etc. It gives wood, timber etc. It provides shade to humans, animals and most importantly snakes. It gives fragrance.
(ii) Coconut tree gives a very juicy sweet fruit. Its coir is used to make ropes etc. We get timber from it.
Question 3:
Why do we make swings on trees?
Swinging is an exercise that feels you with a great joy and energises you. Swinging on the branches of a tree is more interesting than any other swings, because it gives fresh air too.
Question 4:
How are trees useful for birds?
(a) To sit on
(b) To build nests on
(c) To hatch eggs
(d) All of these
(d) All of these
Question 5:
What are advantages of trees for children?
(a) They use trees for furniture.
(b) They get money from trees.
(c) They speak their sorrows to trees.
(d) They can play around trees and get fruits, clothes, books from trees.
Solution:(d) They can play around trees and get fruits, clothes, books from trees.
Question 6:
What should be done to save trees?
(a) Everyone should plant at least a tree every year.
(b) We should embrace trees when one wants to Cut them.
(c) We should light some bulbs near trees.
(d) We should love trees.
(a) Everyone should plant at least a tree every year
Extract 2
Directions (Q. Nos. 1-6) Read the extract given below and answer the following questions.
Trees are for the wind to blow through.
Trees are to hide behind in Hide and Seek.’
Trees are to have tea parties under.
Trees are for kites to get caught in.
Trees are to make cool shade in summer.
Trees are to make no shade in winter.
Question 1:
How does a tree prove to be beneficial during Summers?
Tree gives cool shade during summer.
Question 2:
Comment on the tone of the speaker when he says, “Trees are for no shade in winters.”
The speaker in a humorous way notes that during winter, the shade of the tree is not needed. People enjoy the warmth of the Sun.
Question 3:
Use the word ‘shade’ in a sentence of your own.
Solution:We were tired walking a long distance, so we decided to relax under the shade of the Sun.
Question 4:
Who reaps the benefits when the wind blows through the trees?
(a) Birds
(b) Passersby.
(c) Adults
(d) All of these
(d) All of these
Question 5:
Who hides behind the trees in “Hide and Seek.”
(a) Birds
(b) Children
(c) Passersby
(d) All of these
(b) Children
Question 6:
Who have tea parties under the shade of the trees?
(a) Birds
(b) Passersby.
(c) Adults
(d) All of these
(c) Adults

Courtesy : CBSE