Class 7 English Honeycomb Mystery of the Talking Fan (Poem)

Class 7 English Honeycomb Mystery of the Talking Fan (Poem)

Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1:
What does the phrase, “he ran as still as Water” mean?
The phrase, “he ran as still as water” meant that it began to function smoothly.
Question 2:
What was troubling the talking fan?
The talking fan was being troubled by lack of oiling on its various parts, disabling him from functioning smoothly.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1:
Why was all the ‘mystery’ spoilt?
The poet Could hear the chatter of the fan, though she could not understand it. But Soon, the Scope to decode and comprehend it was lost as the fan’s motor was oiled by Someone. Thereafter, the talking fan became silent.
Question 2:
Who do you think or understand what the talking fan wished to convey?
The talking fan seemed to be very noisily and continuously chattering. Perhaps, besides the poet the others could hear it too. Though the poet was curious, she never made an attempt to understand what the talking fan said.
Or perhaps before she could, the message was decoded by the person who attended to the needs of the fan by oiling its motor.
Extract Based Question
Directions: (Q.Nos. 1-6) Read the extract given below and answer the following questions.
I couldn’t quite hear what he said
And I hope it doesn’t matter
Because one day somebody oiled
His little whirling motor
And all the mystery was spoiled.
Question 1:
Why does the poet say, “I hope it doesn’t matter”?
The poet was hoping that the fan’s chatter didn’t make much difference.
Question 2:
Who oiled the motor?
The poem doesn’t indicate who oiled the motor, but it Surely wasn’t the speaker.
Question 3:
What was the connection between the motor and the fan’s Chatter?
The lack of oil in the motor was responsible for the noise produced by the fan.
Question 4:
Who is the ‘he’ in the first line of the extract?
(a) The poet
(b) The mechanic
(c) The talking fan
(d) The mother
(c) The talking fan
Question 5:
Why did the talking fan’s chatter come to an end?
(a) Somebody repaired the motor.
(b) The poet asked him to shut up.
(c) The fan fell on the ground.
(d) The poet left the house.
(a) Somebody repaired the motor.
Question 6:
Choose the synonym of the word ‘whirling.’
(b) Chatting (c) Obscurity (d) Story
(a) Rotating

Courtesy : CBSE