Class 7 English Honeycomb Chivvy (Poem)

Class 7 English Honeycomb Chivvy (Poem)

Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1:Why do the grown-ups tell the children not to talk with their mouth full?
Solution:The grown-ups tell the children not to talk with their mouth ful of food because it is bad manners to talk while eating.
Question 2:What all instructions are given by the adults regarding noise?
Solution:The adults tell the children not to make much noise, neither while talking nor while eating or walking.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1:What happens when the adults give too many instructions to their children?
Solution:When the adults give too many instructions to their children, they kill their children’s spontaneity and willingness to use his/her mind to understand life. These instructions rob away their innocence, making them dependent on their elders.
Extract Based Question
Directions (Q. Nos. 1-6) Read the extract given below and answer the following questions.
Sit up
Say please
Less noise
Shut the door behind you
Don’t drag your feet
Haven’t you got a hankie?
Take your hands out of your pocket
Pull your socks up
Stand straight.
Question 1:Why is the child asked to stand straight?
Solution:The child is asked to stand straight because that shows that he is attentive.
Question 2:What does walking by dragging feet suggest?
Solution:Dragging feet while walking suggests bad manners.
Question 3:Make a sentence of your own using the word ‘drag.’
Solution:My brother forcibly dragged me to the fete.
Question 4:Who is giving these instructions?
(a) The poet
(b) An adult
(c) A child
(d) The teacher
Solution:(b) An adult
Question 5:To whom are these instructions being addressed?
(a) The poet
(b) An adult
(c) A child
(d) The teacher
Solution:(c) A child
Question 6:Why would the child need a hankie?
(a) To clean his mouth.
(b) To clean his shoes.
(c) To clean his bag.
(d) To clean his slate.
Solution:(a)To clean his mouth.

Courtesy : CBSE