Class 7 English – Chapter 7: Chandni

Class 7 English – Chapter 7: Chandni

Question 1:
Who was Abbu Khan?
Abbu khan was an old man. He lived all alone in a little hut in Almora. He tamed a few goats. He grazed them during the day. At night, he would talk to them as if they were his children.
Question 2:
How can you say that Abbu Khan’s goats were of the best hill breed ?
Goats in hilly regions hate being kept tied to trees or poles. They long for freedom. Abbu Khan’s goats too loved freedom. They broke loose their strings and disappeared in the hill. It shows they were of the best hill breed.
Question 3:
Why did Abbu Khan feel sad?
Abbu Khan fed his goats on the juiciest grass and grains. He showered deep love on them as one showers on one’s children. Still they broke the ropes loose and ran straight into the jaws of death. It made Abbu Khan feel sad. Even the animals preferred death to slavery (bondage).
Question 4:
Why did Abbu Khan laugh with joy?
The bigger goats did not stay for ever with Abbu Khan. They disappeared one after the other. So he bought a young goat. He thought that young goat will be grateful for his love and food. She would never think of the hills. It made him laugh with joy.
Question 5:
Why did Abbu Khan name his young goat as Chandni?
The young goat was very pretty. She was white as snow. She had two little horns. She had gleaming red eyes. She had a friendly temperament. She was deeply interested in Abbu khan. Therefore, Abbu Khan named her as Chandni.
Question 6:
Why/when did Abbu Khan become unhappy?
Abbu Khan learnt that Chandni desired to go to the hills. She had no temptation of eating tastier food or being tied with a longer rope. She did not heed to Abbu’s warning of being eaten up by an old wolf. She Answered back that she would fight the wolf. Her insistence to go to the hills made Abbu Khan unhappy.
Question 1:
How did Chandni feel on reaching the hills?
Chandni was hell-bent on going to the hills. She did not care the least for Abbu Khan’s loving words and warnings. Abbu Khan shut her in a small hat. However, she managed to make her passage through the window. She reached the hills. She thought that the hills were welcoming her. She felt that the tall grass longed to embrace her. The blooming flowers amused her. The wind also appeared pleasant to her. She considered herself lucky for seeking freedom from Abbu Khan’s prison house. She played joyfully for hours on the grassy slopes of the hills.
Question 2:
What misfortune came to Chandni after sunset?
The sun disappeared behind the hills. Darkness prevailed every where on grass, flowers and trees. There was no wind. She heard a grunting sound of a dangerous wolf. She got scared and she thought of Abbu Khan but was not willing to return to him for safety. She considered death in open field far better than life in a small hut. The wolf came out of the bushes. He was sure that he would be able to eat the goat. The goat was also sure that she would be soon tom to pieces. But she did not lose courage. She stood firmly on her legs to face the wolf boldly. She got ready to put up a good fight. However, she was killed by the wolf.

Courtesy : CBSE