Class 7 English – Chapter 5: Golu Grows a Nose

Class 7 English – Chapter 5: Golu Grows a Nose

Question 1:
What do you know about Golu?
Golu was a baby elephant. He had a bulgy nose. He had no trunk. He was full of questions.
Question 2:
Which bird directed Golu to go to the Limpopo river and why?
A mynah bird was sitting in the middle of a bush. Golu asked her what the crocodile ate at dinner. The mynah bird directed Golu to go to Limpopo river to find out the answer.
Question 3:
What items of food did Golu take before leaving his home for Limpopo river?
He took a hundred sugarcanes, fifty dozen bananas and twenty five melons.
Question 4:
How did Golu help the python?
Golu helped the python to coil around the branch of the tree again.
Question 5:
What questions did Golu ask the python?
Golu met a python. He asked him three questions, (i) Have you ever seen a crocodile? (zz) What does a crocodile look like? (ra) What does a crocodile have for dinner?
Question 6:
Why did the python help Golu?
Golu had helped the python to coil around the branch of a tree. The python felt grateful to him and quietly followed him. The python helped Golu when the crocodile caught him by the nose. He did not repay Golu for his goodness.
Question 1:
Describe Golu’s meeting with the crocodile.
Golu reached the edge of Limpopo river. He saw a crocodile on it’s bank. The crocodile winked at Golu. Golu asked him if he was the crocodile. The crocodile raised his tail out of the mud. He was surprised why Golu asked him such a question. He shed crocodile tears. He asked Golu to come close. He would not answer the personal question. He would whisper the answer to his question. He would tell him what he had for dinner in a low tone. Golu put his head down close to the corcodile’s snout. The crocodile caught Golu by the nose. He declared that he would eat Golu that day, Golu screamed with fear and pain.
Question 2:
What, according to the python, were the advantages of a long nose (trunk)?
A fly stung Golu on the shoulder. Golu hit the fly with his long nose (trunk). The fly lay dead Golu plucked a large bundle of grass, dusted it against his forelegs. He stuffed the grass into his mouth with the help of his long nose (trunk). The sun was very hot. Golu dug out some mud from the bank with the help of his long nose. He slopped the mud on his head. Golu could not do any of the above activities with a small nose. These were all the advantages of the long nose (trunk), according to the python.

Courtesy : CBSE