Class 7 English – Chapter 10: An Alien Hand

Class 7 English – Chapter 10: An Alien Hand

Question 1:
What do you know about the Viking Mission to Mars?
The National Aeronautics and Space Administrator’s (NASA) Viking Mission to Mars was composed of two spacecraft, Viking 1 and Viking 2. Viking 1 was launched, on 20 August 1975 and arrived at Mars on 19 June 1976. Viking 2 was launched on 9 September 1975. It entered Mar’s orbit on 7 August 1976 Both consisted of an orbiter and a lander.
Question 2:
What were the primary objectives of the NASA Viking Mission to Mars?
The primary objectives of the NASA Viking Mission to Mars were-
(i) To obtain images and samples of the Martian surface and soil,
(ii) To search for any possible signs of life there,
(iii) To search the presence of living microorganisms in the soil near the landing sites.
Question 3:
What do you know about ‘That way*?
That way’ was an underground passage. Tilloo’s father went for work and returned from there along that passage. The people were curious to know what lay at the end of that forbidden route. Only select few persons were permitted to go that way. Tilloo’s father was one of them.
Question 4:
What was the metal door’s function? How did it open?
The metal door’s function was to bar the entry to the underground passage. Tilloo slipped his father’s security ( magic ) card into a slot. The door opened noiselessfy.
Question 5:
Why was Tilloo escorted back home?
Tilloo had slipped his father’s security card into the slot. It came out of another slot. The invisible mechanical devices detected and photographed Tilloo. His picture was sent to the Central Bureau. The security persons caught him and escorted him back home.
Question 1:
How did Tilloo’s father manage the ugly situation when Tilloo was caught impersonating?
Tilloo was caught using his father’s security card. The security guards took Tilloo home. His mother got enraged and started scolding him. Tilloo’s father came to his rescue. He told Tilloo’s mother that Tilloo should be briefed properly and sensibly. Then he would never repeat this grave offence. He warned Tilloo that an ordinary person could not survive on the surface where he worked. The air was too thin to breathe there. One would freeze to death due to quite low temperature.
Question 2:
How did Tilloo’s father manage to survive on the surface of the planet?
Tilloo longed to know how his daddy managed to survive on the surface where he worked. His daddy told him that he went there well equipped in a special suit. He took a reservior of oxygen with him which enabled him to keep warm. His boots were also specially designed. It eased his walking on the surface. Above all, he had sought training to work and survive on the surface.

Courtesy : CBSE