Class 7 English – Chapter 1: The Tiny Teacher

Class 7 English – Chapter 1: The Tiny Teacher

I. Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1:
Who looks after the grubs and how?
Soldiers and workers look after the grubs. Soldiers guard them. Workers feed and clean them, and also carry them about daily for airing, exercise and sunshine.
Question 2:
How much time do grubs take for becoming cocoons? What do the cocoons do after that?
Grubs take two or three weeks for becoming cocoons. After that cocoons lie with- out-food or activity for three weeks more. Then they break and perfect ants ap­pear.
Question 3:
Why do ants want alien creatures to live in their nests?
Some give off smell pleasant to the ants’ senses; others give sweet juices; and some are just pets or playthings like cats and dogs to human beings.
Question 4:
Why do the ants train the greenfly?
The greenfly is the ants’ cow. The ants train it to give honeydew (like milk) with a touch of their antennae. They milk it just as we milk the cow.
Question 5:
What are the functions of feelers or antennae for an ant?
An ant uses its feelers or antennae to talk to other ants. It passes messages through them. It greets other ants by touching one another’s feelers.
Question 6:
What do you know about worker ants?
Worker ants live in their reserved quarters. They search for food most of their time. They do only their own share of work.
II. Long Answer Type Questions 
Question 1:
What do you know about the homes of the ants?
The homes of the ants are called ‘nests’ or ‘anthills’. Each nest has hundreds of little rooms and passages. The queen ant lays eggs in some of the rooms. Other rooms serve as nurseries for the gurbs ( young ants). Some rooms serve as store houses for food. Some rooms serve as reserved quarters for workers or barracks for soldiers. Cleaners also live in the nests.
Question 2:
What do you know about the queen ant?
The queen ant is known as the ‘Mother Ant’. It has a pair of wings. It bites them off after its ‘wedding fight’. This fight takes place on a hot summer day. The queen leaves the nest and goes out to meet a male ant, or drone, high up in the air. On its return to earth, it gets rid of its wings and then does nothing but lay eggs.

Courtesy : CBSE