Class 6th Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Panchayati Raj

Class 6th Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Panchayati Raj

Choose the correct option to complete the statements given below:
(i) The members of the Gram Sabha must be adults. It means they must be of
(a) 18 years or more                        (b) 20 years or more
(c) 22 years or more (d) 25 years.
(ii) The people of Hardas village are facing the problem of…………..
(a) Electricity (b) Unemployment
(c) Water shortages (d) None of the above.
(iii)The work of the Gram Panchayat has to be approved by the …………..
(a) Members of the Gram Sabha (b) Zila Parishad (c) Ward Member       (d) Gram Sabha.
(iv) Which one is not the source of funds for the Panchayat?
(a) Collection of taxes on houses, market places etc.
(b) Donations for community works etc.
(c) Donations contributed by the villagers for village welfare works
(d) Government scheme funds received through various departments of the government through the Janpad and Zila Panchayats.
(v) The Panchayatl Raj System is the
(a) First level of democratic government (b) Second level of democratic government
(c) Third level of democratic government
(d) Fourth level of democratic government.
Ans: (i)—(c), (ii)—(e), (iii)—(d), (iv)—(c), (v)—(a).
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to complete each sentence:
(i) The Gram Panchayat is elected for ……… years.
(ii)  The Panchs and the Gram Panchayat are answerable to the…………….
(iii) Every village Panchayat is divided into ……….
(iv)  The people of Hardas village suggested ………  development programme for the permanent solution of their problem.
(v) The Gram Panchayat’s main tasle is to implement …………..  programmes for all villages that come under it.
Ans. (i) Five                                                     (ii) Gram Sabha
(iii) Wards                                                         (iv) watershed
State whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F).
(i) The Secretary of the Gram Sabha is an elected person.
(ii) There is no link between the Gram Sabha and the Gram Panchayat.
(iii) It is the Gram Sabha that keeps control on the Gram Panchayat.
(iv) The Gram Panchayat meets regularly in order to perform its task efficiently and within given time limit.
(v) The Gram Panchayat does not collect any local taxes.
Ans. (i) False, (ii) False, (iii) True, (iv) True, (d) False.
Ans: (i)—(d), (ii)—(c), (iii)—(e), (iv)—(a),
1. Who calls the meeting of the Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat? [V. Imp.]
Ans: It is the Secretary who calls the meeting of the Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat.
2. What problems do the women of Hardas village face?
Ans: The women of Hardas village have to go to the Suru river which is 3 km away to fetch water.
3. Why is Tijia in favour of some permanent solution to the problem of water shortages?
Ans: Because groundwater levels seem to be going down every year.
4.What does Anwar suggest?
Ans: Anwar suggests for watershed development programme.
5.What was the next agenda for the Gram Sabha?
Ans: The finalisation of the list of people below the poverty line (BPL).
6. Why is the Nirmal Gram Puruskar awarded and to whom?
Ans: The Nirmal Gram Puruskar is awarded to the village Panch/panchs for the excellent work done by him/them in the Panchayat.
7. What is Panchayati Reg System?                                                                     [V. Imp.]
Ans: Panchayati Raj System is a process through which people participate in their own government.
8. Why are the Panchs and the Gram Panchayat answerable to Gram Sabha?
Ans: Because the members of the Gram Sabha elect them.
1. What various works does a Gram Panchayat do? [V. Imp.]
Ans: A Gram Panchayat does various works. These works include
  • The construction and maintenance of water sources, roads, drainage, school buildings and other common property resources.
  • Levying and collecting local taxes.
  • Executing government schemes related to generating employment in the village.
2. What are the sources of funds for the Gram Panchayat? [V. Imp.]
Ans: The sources of funds for the Gram Panchayat are:
  • Collection of taxes on houses, market places etc.
  • Government scheme funds received through various departments of the government through the Janpad and Zila Panchayats.
  • Donations for community works etc.
3. What are the functions of the Zila Parishad?
Ans: The functions of the Zila Parishad Eire :
  • It makes developmental plans at the district level.
  • With the help of Panchayat Samitis, it also regulates the money distribution among all the Gram Panchayats.
4. Write a brief note on the three levels of Panchayats.                                       [V. Imp.]
Ans: The Panchayati Raj System is a process through which people participate in their own government. The Panchayati Raj System is the first tier or level of democratic government. It extends to two other levels. One is the Block level, which is called the Janpad Panchayat or the Panchayat Samiti. Above the Panchayat Samiti is the District Panchayat or the Zila Parishad.
5. Why do Gram Sabhas in some states from committees?                                        [Imp*]
Ans: In some states, Gram Sabhas from committees like construction and development committees. These committees includes some members of the Gram Sabha and some from the Gram Panchayat who work together to carry out specific tasks.
6. Write a short note on the Gram Sabha.
Ans: The Gram Sabha is a meeting of all adults who live in the area covered by a Panchayat. This could be only one village or a few villages. In some states, a village meeting is held for each village. Anyone who is 18 years old or more and who has the right to vote is a member of the Gram Sabha.
 1. Describe the composition of a Vintage Panchayat.                                          [V. Imp.]
Ans: A Village Panchayat is divided into wards. Each ward elects a representative who is known as the Ward Member, also called Panch. All the members of the Gram Sabha also elect a Sarpanch who is called Panchayat President. The Ward Panchs and the Sarpanch from the Gram Panchayat. The tenure of the Gram Panchayat is five years.
The Gram Panchayat and Gram Sabha have a common Secretary. He is a person whom the government appoints. Thus, he is not an elected person. The Secretary is responsible for calling the meeting of the Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat. He also keeps records of the proceedings of the meeting.
2. Describe the Functions of the Gram Sabha.                                                     [V. Imp.]
Ans: The Gram Sabha performs various tasks:
  • It keeps control on the Gram Panchayat. It makes the Gram Panchayat play its role and be responsible.
  • It is the place where all plans for the work of the Gram Panchayat are placed before the people.
  • The Gram Sabha prevents the Panchayat from doing wrong things which may include misusing money, or favouring certain people.
  • It keeps an eye on the elected representatives and in making them responsible to the persons who elected them.

Courtesy : CBSE