Class 6th English Chapter 9 Desert Animals

Class 6th English Chapter 9 Desert Animals

1. Deserts have very thin population. Why?
Ans. Deserts have very little water and vegetation. There is greenery only around the water springs or oases. So people don’t prefer to live there.
2.What are some of the notable features told about snakes in the lesson?
Ans. There are more than 2300 different kinds of snakes in the world. Some are upto 11 metres long. Not all are poisonous. Most snakes lay eggs, but many of them give birth to their young.
3.Where are rattlesnakes found?
Ans. Rattlesnakes are very common in American continent. They feed on mice and rats etc.
4. What does the author tell about mongooses?
Ans. Mongooses are very amusing animals to watch. They are a common sight in Africa. They eat beetles and other small creatures. They themselves are eaten up by hawks, eagles and large snakes. They are famous for killing snakes.
5.What do you learn in the lesson about camels?
Ans. Camels live mainly in the desert. They can drink upto 30 gallons of water in just ten minutes. They get all the moisture they need from desert plants. Some camels have only one hump, others have two. Humps are full of fat which is used as food.
1.How do you define or describe a desert? Name some common desert animals. How do they survive?
Ans. A desert is a very hot and dry place that goes without rain even for years. It is
sandy with hardly any vegetation or villages. There is neither water nor greenery. Still some animals are found there. For example, gerbils, beetles, snakes, mongooses and camels. These animals survive the harsh conditions in their own way. Some live in burrows (holes). Camels have winter coats to keep warm and shorter, tidier coats to keep cool in summer.
2. What information about snakes do you get in the lesson Desert Animals?
Ans. There are more than 2300 different kinds of snakes around the world. Some are harmless, others very poisonous. Some lay eggs, while others give birth to the young-one. The rattler lives in the dry and rocky deserts of America. Large pythons can go without eating for a year or more. Mongooses are famous for their skill in killing snakes. A camel can drink upto 30 gallons of water in just ten minutes. It eats plants. Its humps store fat-food.
3. What are some of the particular habits of the mongoose and the camel?
Ans. Mongooses like to hunt together. But they are afraid of their enemies like hawks, eagles and snakes. They warn others of the danger by their peculiar calling. They are famous for killing snakes.
Camels were taken as pets long, long ago. They have long or short coats to keep them warm or cool. A camel can drink upto 30 gallons of water at a time. Its humps-single or double-store food that is used as food. They are adapted to desert life.

Courtesy : CBSE