Class 6th English Chapter 4 The Old-Clock Shop

Class 6th English Chapter 4 The Old-Clock Shop

1. Who was Ray? What was his handicap?
Ans: Ray was the owner of an old-clock shop. He was deaf and dumb. He communicated with his customers by writing on a notepad.
2. Who were the two last-minute shoppers to Ray’s shop?
Ans: The two persons came to Ray’s shop just before the shop closed. One was young, the older one was nearly fifty. They had an evil plan to rob Ray of his cash.
3. What was the problem of the two shoppers? What were they going to try?
Ans: The two persons visiting Ray’s shop were in dire need of money. They were ready to take away Ray’s cash by force.
4. How did Ray tackle the evil-minded shoppers?
Ans: Ray hid his growing fear. He noticed that the older man was unfriendly and he carried a gun. But he kept cool. He paid fifty dollars in exchange for an old watch. This pleased the man. He said ‘Merry Christmas’ to Ray before he walked out of the shop.
5. What message did the old clocks spread as they chimed ‘Merry Christmas’ together?
Ans: The old-clocks and timepieces in Ray’s shop chimed all together. They spread ‘the message of peace on earth and goodwill towards all’.
1. Sketch the character of Ray in about 80 words. What qualities of Ray do you admire most?
Ans: Ray was an old and deaf owner of an old clock-shop. He repaired and sold old clocks. He communicated with his customers using pen and paper. But he was wise with long experience. Anger boiled within him when he noticed a gun in the man’s pocket. But he remained cool. He was generous and helpful also. He overpaid his visitors in need. He sent away the unfriendly visitors quite happy.
2. How did the old clock give a timeless message through Ray?
Ans:Ray was an old and deaf dealer in old clocks. He also used to pay to the needy customers against the security of their old clocks. Two visitors came to his shop when he was going to pull the shutters down. He doubted their intentions. But he kept his cool. He offered them fifty dollars for an old clock. He did so as a gesture of goodwill and peace. The timepiece rang out a musical message filled with hope. All the three persons who stood in the shop heard the timeless message of peace on earth and goodwill towards all.

Courtesy : CBSE