Class 6th English Chapter 3 Taro’s Reward

Class 6th English Chapter 3 Taro’s Reward

l. Who was Taro? What was his most endearing quality?
Ans: Taro was a young woodcutter. He was poor but hardworking. He honestly wanted to serve his old parents, and keep them happy. That was his greatest virtue.
2. What did Taro’s father wish for one cold day?
Ans: Taro’s old father shivered with cold. He wished he had a cup of sake which would warm his body and do good to his heart.
3. How did Taro manage to meet the demand of his father?
Ans.: Taro had no money to buy expensive sake. So he began to work harder at chopping wood. God helped him in getting sake free from a waterfall. The father drank it, felt warm and started dancing.
4. How did the villagers come to know of the magic waterfall?
Ans: The old man offered a cup of sake to a lady and also told her about the discovery of the magic waterfall. She spread the story throughout the whole village.
5. How did the villagers react after tasting the water of the magic waterfall?
Ans: They tasted the water and found it plain cold water. They were angry and disappointed. They decided to drown Taro into the stream for befooling them.
6. How did the Emperor of Japan reward Taro?
Ans: The Emperor rewarded Taro with 20 pieces of gold for his goodness. He also named the most beautiful fountain of the city after Taro.
1. Bring out some of the sterling qualities of the character of Taro.
Give a character sketch of Taro.
Ans: Taro was a poor young woodcutter. He lived with his parents on a hill-side. He worked very hard but earned very little money. He was deeply devoted to his old parents. One evening his shivering father wished to have a cup of sake. Taro began to work harder to earn money to buy the expensive drink. God came to help. One day he found a waterfall. The water tasted like magic sake. Taro gave the sake to his shivering father and became happy to think that he satisfied his father. When the greedy villagers went to the waterfall they found normal water. The angry villagers wanted to kill Taro for befooling them. But wise Taro slipped behind a rock. He was duly rewarded by the Emperor of Japan.
2.How did Taro meet the demand of his father?
Ans: Taro was a young woodcutter. He honoured, loved and obeyed his parents. But he earned very little money. One cold evening his father wished he had a cup of sake. Taro began to work harder to earn more money and buy sake. He was favoured by fate. He discovered a waterfall, the water of which tasted like sake. He brought a pitcher full of that drink to meet the demand of his father.
3 .Why- did the magic waterfall disappoint other villagers? What reward did Taro get and from whom?
Ans: The waterfall was a magic creation by God. It was to reward Taro’s honest labour, and devotion to his parents. The cold water tasted like sake for the old man. But it disappointed the greedy villagers. They found it like plain cold water. The story of Taro’s great discovery of magic waterfall reached the Emperor of Japan. He rewarded Taro with gold coins for serving his parents so sincerely.

Courtesy : CBSE